Monday, February 21, 2011

Finally in Peru!

Hey everyone!!

So, I've been putting up a blog about going to England, right? Well, I talked to some people at my school, and they think that going to Peru is a better decision, especially concerning my English minor, since most literary works in the English language come from Peru. SO, I packed my bags and flew over to Peru overnight!

I am currently residing in Lima. Since my accomodations were made last minute, I have a nice little hut on the outskirts of town. It's simple, but it's nice. I also only have one roommate. Her name is Shelby, and she's the sweetest Llama I've ever met! She even cooks every wednesday, but I'm not a fan of grass and spit. I'm sure I'll learn to love it! I've learned not to call her Kuzco or Tina...she gets both of those a lot!

Anyway, I start my school on Monday! I'll keep you updated on my Peruvian adventures! Shelby and I are going mountain climbing tomorrow!